<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3f15aad8-a4bd-4f27-9e94-e4f4fb527ce9/TWITTER_BANNER2_logo_doux.jpg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3f15aad8-a4bd-4f27-9e94-e4f4fb527ce9/TWITTER_BANNER2_logo_doux.jpg" width="40px" /> Sismo issues ZK badges for reputation aggregation and privacy preserving access control.



Send us a word at: apply [at] sismo.io

Web3 UI/UX Designer

Web3 UX is hard. New concepts for users, new tech for developers and a whole lots of ways things can go wrong irreversibly.

At Sismo, we would like to provide a high-quality user experience to our audience of crypto enthusiasts and badge developers. A design that can get the experience closer to streamlined web2 app while still communicating the feeling of data ownership and preserved privacy that is core to our ethos.

If you are up to tackling this challenge, leverage the best practices from legacy and decentralized apps and come up with innovative ways to help people build up their sovereign and privacy-preserving reputation, we would love to have you onboard.

More info about the position:

Web3 UI/UX Designer

Full-stack FE Ethereum Engineer: ****Ethers.js / Next-React

Required: 2+ year experience as an Ethereum FE Engineer: advanced React/Next.js, (hooks, context and state management), ethers.js, axios, apollo-graphql, mongose (or other dbs). Tx notification, state management etc.

Plus: Experience with hardhat. Deployed UI helper contracts. Created subgraph. Interest to grow as a Ethereum engineer (smart contract development, hardhat scripts)

Full-stack BE Ethereum Engineer: Ethers.(js|rs) / Hardhat / NodeJS/Rust